The Opalus Tunnel tent is designed to be the ultimate tent for all to enjoy backpacking, car camping and all other outdoor adventures. It is lightweight but durable. Rainproof performance and tent mats make it more tear resistant and durable. Take a relaxing hike in the summer or camp on a mountain road or beach, these tents will provide you with a comfortable place to sleep.
Large Lobby: An outdoor mobile kitchen that expands the activity area and storage area, and allows you to prepare food and enjoy freshly brewed coffee even on rainy days.
Cope with changable weather: Made of lightweight textile layer material with waterproof coating and waterproof about 3000+ make it good enough to meet your rain-proof need while camping.
Large Space: Luxurious and large space, outdoor recreation area, the inner tent is spacious and comfortable for multi-person outdoor activities.
Double Door: Ventilation, double side opening door design, two-way opening and multiple windows design to promote indoor and outdoor air circulation.